25 Gedanken zu „Pro Players ROAST Class Design: How To Fix Shadowlands PvP!“
  1. Really good video. Disagree on a couple smaller things (proposals for what to nerf on mages [I think DB/Cauterize are much better targets than Triune as Frost/Arcane are really quite reasonable with Triune as-is]; Enhance being referred to as Balanced while able to hit INSTANT healing surges for up to 50-60k every 10-15sec makes it way too forgiving) but for the most part, pretty spot-on.
    Offensive CDs need to get gutted hard. Compensate with buffs to base ability damages and by nerfing the recovery rate of defensive cooldowns (i.e 1.5min DBTS Warrior defensive, among many others).
    Honestly, most of the healing specs feel pretty great to play right now if you play them in a vacuum… It's really just the ridiculous burst damage that makes them dissatisfying to play (i.e pressing a riptide on someone at 90%hp and having them die while you're GCD locked to that cast).

    "Ironically, being balanced in Shadowlands is actually a bad thing since there's so much broken that playing fair is a form of masochism"
    ^Easily the best quote I've heard describing the Shadowlands PvP experience to date. Well done on the video lads, hopefully Holinka and the squad wake up and take note of this one.

  2. Feral and Enhancement seem similar in terms of being the melee version of a hybrid class..why does enhancement have such mana issues(blood lust costing 2.6k out of a 10k mana pool, healing surge costing a quarter of their mana PER cast) while feral can go forever.. blizzard has hated enhancement for far too long.

  3. You don’t know what are you talking..
    I am Mage, I have 251 ilvl PvP with 33% versa and recieved 33k Execute and 29k Mortal Strike, let’s not talk about shatt throw barriers and ice block, and 2 sec nuke by Monk or Hunters..
    DK balanced? Amz, Ams, Spell Ward, Chill Streak on Mage and his elemental…
    I can’t run from anyone this expansion.
    With all my burst and defensives dispellable, I feel like a joke, beeing already the squishiest class in the game…
    Mage can be dispelled for everything, Ground totemed, Amzed, cloak and shadoewed, any %defensive on and you can’t kill anyone with your combust. We are not talking about 1400 games, in AWC mage was literally destroyed by melees.
    Add undispellable alter, bariers and maybe we can play some other legendaries, is awfull everyone is going on dps lego and we need stupid triune for dispell protection.

  4. what is this based on? there is 1 dh in the world above 3k. dh is the weakest arena spec, behind dk and warlock. idk why it is in the highly overtuned category. the hunt is not that devastating. other classes instant cast abilities way stronger than the hunt. aimed shot easily hits as hard as the hunt, but nobody jukes that because its not a huge cooldown. if anything the hunt should have a shorter cooldown to compensate for the decreased damage. other classes get to press their button and have it do damage instantly, which news flash, is way, way superior to having a telegraphed attack.

    so I am a bit salty at the insinuation that dh is overtuned. it is severely undertuned, along with dk and warlock.

    I realize this is not too serious, but dh needs some help.

  5. How bout we don’t need warriors and buff other classes…. Warriors are one of the few classes with a damn good design. Leave them be, fix other classes. Warriors have easily the best design in the game, don’t need to fuck that up because other classes are shif

  6. 12:00 Everying is so broken that playing fair is a form of massochism. I hear you brother, i've struggled through so many games as a fury warrior that the game just feels like torture. Everyone is telling me to go arms and I hate the class and spec. Class fantasy in PVP is dead you either go super broken 10000 mobility and heal spells with no effort or you just get left behind. Game is broken AF

  7. "Being balanced is a bad thing, since there are so many broken classes" —> All of the shadowlands PvP in one sentence. It's kinda sad after so many years and still Blizzard dont give a shit about PvP…

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