48 Gedanken zu „eCDP STORY“
  1. This is a great video! Respect for documenting the game. I really like what you do. I’m sure a lot of people will feel bad that they are forcing you to dump the game after they see that you actually work for nintendo. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do what other people tell you to do, it’s your decision.

  2. Je découvre ta chaîne avec cette vidéo juste après avoir vu celle de Nick Robinson. J’avoue avoir eu la haine en voyant sa vidéo et en me rendant compte que tu étais contre le fait de partager le dump au monde entier (après jamais je serai allé jusqu’à t’insulter/harceler si j’avais suivi l’affaire à l’époque évidemment)

    Après avoir vu cette vidéo, je comprends parfaitement ta position sur le piratage et avec du recul, tu avais beaucoup trop à y perdre.
    Maintenant je me dis, certes tu n’a pas dump leur jeu mais tu as quand même fais du reverse engineering dessus. Nintendo ne t’as rien dit par rapport à ça ?

    Dans tous les cas, gg pour le titre, c’est grave mérité vu les efforts fournis

  3. salut je viens juste de voir la vidéo de nick robinson c'est incroyable cette histoire ^^ en tout cas gros bravo a toi pour ce combat contre les gens qui demandais le dump de la cartouche c'est une belle preuve qu'avec de l'acharnement on peut y arriver

  4. i know how you really did it. when nick won that auction for the Ds game you flew to japan to steal it knowing it had the password you needed. because someone was finally going to play the game. but nicks brother got the package first. so you went to the airport where you stole nicks brothers suitcase. that's why it never made it there on time. giving you plenty of time to get the password and return the suitcase. or you some how intercepted the package some how before that. then you changed the password and made it look like you found it. good job. you fooled everyone else. but not me.. how you loving that.

  5. Wow that's really cool! I didn't know you worked with Nintendo. That explains why you couldn't dump the game. To be honest if I was you, I probably wouldn't dump the game either if it had the chance at Nintendo getting mad at me because what you do sounds really cool! Thanks for sharing your story

  6. my stance on dumping cartridges and releasing the dump is that it's fine and honestly should be done for preservation purposes if it's a game that is no longer sold, or hasn't been sold in the first place because the cartridge is an old prototype or an outright cancelled game

  7. Thank you Coddy for this awesome story. This really expands more of eCDP's history even more.

    PS: Really love that you uploaded this video a year after Nick Robinson uploaded his eCDP video 🙂

  8. Coming here from Nick's channel after seeing the video and a while after I saw his stream at Disneyland Paris with you. Even though you couldn't dump the game because of your official connection to Nintendo, at least you played a major part in documenting the game, and it does look like now there are considerably more people (including Nick) who appreciate your role documenting the process than there are people who are unhappy that you didn't dump the game for as long as you did. At least from what little of that stream I was able to see, you and Nick have mutual respect for each other over this once-obscure training software.

    It does make me curious though, with this whole story out in the open now, will someone from Nintendo still be able to approach you if ever there's an event they need help with? That is, provided that COVID doesn't ruin it.

  9. Your key insight when you saw the profile screen of employees was legendary. As a programmer, it may occur to search for the employee info in the saved data, but the fact that you had already found and documented a similar structure in the saved data already was incredible. When preparation met awareness, you got such a beautiful result. Thank you for sharing your wild journey!

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