Von SpookLuke

50 Gedanken zu „When you call out a trash talker in ROCKET LEAGUE…“
  1. LMAO THAT WAS ME lmao i was tilting so hard because i was gc2 but i knew i wasnt gonna 10-0 u im ngl u actually suprised me he did well! btw i only said i would 10-0 u bc i knew u would say something🫣

  2. I got challenged to a 1v1 because my friends and I were "tryharding in casual". Didn't do it, we played them again next casual match and easily beat them. He then added me on Steam and sent me my address and said he'll come and kill me if I don't do it to myself first. My address is too easy to find so I wasn't impressed, but imagine getting THAT heated at casual Rocket League. Maybe I should've done that 1v1.

  3. Pretty funny how I just got a trash talker not that long ago bout 20 minutes and I scored 1 goal he left instantly absolutely terrible he literally missed multiple open nets on my team and couldn’t do anything

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