34 Gedanken zu „Top-Hexendoktor Dotabuff teilt seine Geheimnisse – Hexendoktor-Leitfaden“
  1. I love WD, one of my TOP3 heroes. I need to add the healing part to my game, I completely ignore it for big part of the game. Few more tips to add, quite important.
    1) Watch the map for dives – WD is one of the best anti-dive hero in the game – with help of tower(and dived hero) you can kill almost anybody lvl 3, so be ready to TP and if enemy doesnt back and you hit maledict, they die.
    2) Buy smokes – if you have something like invo/QOP/SF (any burst/slow/stun heroes), you can rotate lvl 3-4 under smoke mid and kill enemy mid, unless they have some escape hero (QOP/Void spirit). Just check if your carry has mana/spells – you can kill enemy without it, if you time it right – cask enemy in river, when only one creep is alive. Usually I try to rotate for 4:30 wave, ward+deward, take triangle bounty and kill enemy mid with start of the night again or rotate to the other lane (next to triangle) and work my way around to mid again. I prefer to play as Dire, as the access to mid feels easier – tower is slightly further and you break smoke later.
    3) Dont waste mana on lvl 1-2. You have limited manapool (400) and you have kill potential with good pairing on lvl 3. Spending limited manapool (400-450) to do 200 damage is just waste, when 1 minute later you can kill smebody with same 200 mana. Only case to use spells lvl 1-2 is to take rune, protect somebody, or if enemy overextends. Otherwise it is usually waste of mana (especially maledict lvl 1 – it doubles the damage on lvl 2).
    4) Pairing – generally with high damage (ideally with slow/stun) heroes. Going to lane with Spectre or FV is rather boring, you just protect carry and you dont have kill potential. Best pairing safe lane so far I had was with luna (you can kill almost anybody lvl 3), amazing is CK, good is sven, WK, Gyro. For offlane centaur, mars, SK, tide, slardar – generally heroes with powerspike in damage on lvl 3. You want to be in kill lane, not in war of attrition lane – that is battle you are losing – if enemy has strong pairing, go elsewhere (gank mid, other lane) to gain the advantage for your team and talk to other support to help in the lane. Being held hostage safe lane to protect your Spectre against lane like SK+Undying is just destroying game for you.

  2. >complains about wind lace start on support for reducing regen
    >builds ring of protection which functionally reduces your regen by roughly the same amount
    >clips used in video show pros actually starting mana regen, which this guide emphasizes against
    this channel just isn't what it used to be…

  3. WD is easily my favorite support hero. Been playing him for years My favorite situational item is blink. Blink – stun – maledict – ulti. His stun + maledict is a great prep for your carry’s kill too. I find aether a really good initiating item too. And WD’s best friend is always finding the best position to ulti if you don’t have glimmer cape.

  4. Two huge mistakes i see on this hero are taking cask instead of maledict at lvl 1(guarunteed first blood in lower brackets), and basically never using the healing. The healing is a fucking toggle ability, there is no excuse for this just leave it on.

  5. This video is underrated. Been trying to climb out of herald 5 for the past year and after a few matches in all pick learning to get comfy, I finally hit guardian.

    Is it a high rank? No. But this video got me out of herald hell and for that I'm thankful.

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