Von SpookLuke

34 Gedanken zu „The SMARTEST Way to Train in ROCKET LEAGUE (2022)“
  1. I'm now able to stay in c1 in 2s but I'm about as non mechanical as it gets, I keep planning to start doing rings maps (never even tried before)
    Is it worth trying rings with almost no aerial control? I can go for very basic aerial shots in game but I really struggle further than that

  2. I watch some but I’m not subscribed cause you act like you know how the game is played, what to and not to do yet your no Evample, Lethamyr, Squishy or any other pro like player. Learn before you teach!! Your coming up so you should have more videos like your thought process. Then when you get coached they can tell you why that’s a mistake. Shouldn’t coach unless your SSL. Games to young for intelligent players that couldn’t perform as well to be coaches. Esports is still young. Everyone is a self coach as well as their opponents. Until that pro status is met. Why you think retired athletes are coaches for every sport outside of esports. They smart, rather performed well or not they know the mistakes they made so they know what to tell you not too do. Just like 1000’s of generations before us.

  3. Being on console not able to use workshop maps is suuuch a bummer ijust wanna get my air roll down pat where I’m consistently getting perfect air dribble ball and car control can consistently hit flip resets and not having rings is a bummer. Wall to air dribble pack I’m stuck with

  4. Does anyone actually make advice videos for strict console players that don't get access to workshops and plug ins? Like it really seems that without access to them we're losing out big time training. I truly appreciate this video for tips with the new free play changes. I wish I could change the shortcuts because it eliminates one of my air roll buttons

  5. For aerial car control I have to say that I really like to use the Pillars map in freeplay mode. Also there is a good workshop map for that called "Slaloms Practice". Of course there is also the dreaded "Rings" map, but if you just start out learning, I find the rings to be a bit too challenging at first.
    When I started learning how to control my air rolls I really liked, that on Pillars you could get a good training while you have a bit more space to get used to air rolling in flight. You don't have that on rings or the slalom.

  6. Question. I'm having a hard time controlling my car while trying to get in good positions in the air using airroll and stuff. I kinda keep losing control or turn the opposite way since its inverted ones upside down or when falling from the top of the map. Any tips?

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