Von JoCat

29 Gedanken zu „A Crap Guide to Final Fantasy XIV – Tanks“
  1. Ohh that’s why everyone keeps yelling at me, I didn’t notice the part where you’re supposed to keep a gradual defence, not spam it all on trash mobs and have the healer yell at me for not doing cooldowns

  2. I'm currently on the Heavenward patch content and so far there hasn't been any real reason to turn off tank stance as the off tank. In fact I find it useful to have it on so when I provoke the boss after his negation falls off it stays on me till I either shirk back to the other tank or they provoke (Mostly me shirking cause nobody knows how to use Provoke/Shirk it seems.)

  3. Honestly, the different tanks could technically fit different roles from my time playing them (and eventually maining half of them for fun)
    Warrior: Pure tank (look at only me. You can't kill me) with big bonks
    Paladin: Healer/Party Utility tank
    Gunbreaker: "I'm gonna hit it!" Melee dps
    Dark Knight: Hybrid Magic/Melee dps tank

  4. So i know this was a year ago but I like the DRK press x to not die Button. I know it got reworked and I don't know the former version but i like this one more then Holmgang or the Gunbreaker one

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