28 Gedanken zu „BEST SOLO CLASSES for PvP TBC TIER LIST | World PvP, Battlegrounds, Duels!“
  1. Wpvp is the soul of the end game mmo, all mmo close because no one has the courage to put pvp with 24/h kill reward in every map as it was '' aion '' and '' 4 story '', it is not difficult to understand that without pvp the game becomes boring end game, the beauty of an mmo once the equip is finished is to fight with other guilds in pvp or go around the maps farming kills.

  2. Was POM Mage during Vanilla TBC. Went rogue this time and let me say, open world shit has been damn fun. I got in an extended spat with a lock in Hellfire Peninsula killing him a ton as he kept trying to get revenge and he would get me with dots after he died. Good stuff!

  3. For Warriors, it really helps being a night elf! If you can deny the enemy caster's opener with Shadowmelt, you can Charge + Rend to keep them chained to you. And with the use of denial abilities like Pummel, Intercept, Berserker Rage and you PvP Trinket, you can often kill classes like Druids or Warlocks before they can regain the upper hand. Also, in Battlegrounds, always stick to the biggest group of allies (and enemies) – the more chaos, the more chances to deal damage. You are also a nice meat shield for squishy casters like Hunters and Fire Mages who prefer to stand still and unleash bursts of damage!
    So, while they are the worst class in Open World and Duels (and on the lower half of Battlegrounds too), it is not impossible to thrive when played well!

  4. Which class would you say is the hardest to get away from in world pvp? I would think druid because of their speed and snares, or mages for the same reason. I guess hunters as well because they can snare on the move and have good speed with cheetah, and in BM they dont need to put themselves in a position to be CCd while still being able to get damage uptime with their pet, plus dots to stop stealth and keep damage uptime on people who are pillar humping

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