Von Eclipse

34 Gedanken zu „How to Play Hidden Volley Ball map in Exhibition (Rocket League)“
  1. "Here's what you should do."
    "No – I said that's what you should do. But THIS is what you should really do."

    "It should be under 'T'… now if I could only find 'T' in the alphabet. /scrollspasttwice"

    And "mutilators" instead of Mutators in description?

    Pay attention in school, kids.
    Dislike and never come back.

  2. You do realize that you can do more than one take of a video right? Why would you include a section that you know you aren't gonna need in the video? It just makes you look unprofessional and of poor quality. Get a script and practice it because this video is a 5/10 at best.

    >Why cant you go to the other side.
    Uuuh, because it is volleyball? What do you expect?
    >Sometimes it randomly scores a goal
    No, it scores a goal once the ball has hit the ground three times in a row on one side, like how you only get three hits (plus a block) in real volleyball.

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