Von Apathy BZ

33 Gedanken zu „Call Of Duty WARZONE: Die GEHEIMNISSE, die JEDER PRO-Spieler nutzt, um zu GEWINNEN! (WARZONE PRO Tipps & Tricks)“
  1. The audio in this game since the last update has been terrible. Any suggestions? I thought it was just me but my teammates are having the same issues. No parachute audio, footsteps sound far away when the guy is right on me

  2. I got wrecked by Apathy earlier today. I expected to spectate a hacker and instead saw a legit great player grab 33 kills on his way to a win. It was actually refreshing to get beat by a good player as opposed by a hacker for once. The cheating has gone ballistic since the Pacific update… That said – I probably should have never been in a lobby with Apathy. I'm a decent player but casual since I have a contracting company to run during the day. Nobody wants to come home after work and sit down to play just to get promptly blasted by some dude that runs it 18 hours a day and has a YT gaming channel with nearly 200k subs. I surely wouldn't expect apathy to show up at my job site and keep up with me doing the things I do professionally. COD needs to fix their matchmaking. Put all these pro dudes in the same lobby because casual gamers stand no chance against them

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