37 Gedanken zu „The ULTIMATE WoW Classic PvP MAGE vs ROGUE Duel Guide“
  1. Hey man, I wouldn’t call myself a hardcore player, going to play with some RL buddies and end game Raid/PVP Looking to play a Rogue or Mage I believe but which one would you say it the easier of the two to master, especially pvp wise. Would love to hear all your suggestions on which one

  2. This was absolutely amazing guide, thank you for doing it so much! Of course would love to see it from the Rogue's PoV. By the way, if it's not a secret, what software are you using to make this video, After Effects I imagine?

  3. Really good video, but I was disappointed when I found out that the video only gave the mages point of view. The title is very misleading. I have a 60 rogue, but I can't utilize most of this information without leveling and gearing a 60 mage.

  4. I kinda resent the constant, "remember, you're playing the most broken class in WoW"…. absolute BS in my view. Lowest health and armor in the game.

  5. a prepared frost mage usually takes a rogue. barrier+frostbite too strong, too many absorb/kite factors.
    wpvp/unorganized a rogue have much greater potential.
    I vividly remember dueling a rogue at level 44~ I got like x5 frostbites, totally ridiculous.

  6. Хола! Skill Capped WoW Guides
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  7. This is the sweatiest thing I have ever seen. Nobody should invest this much thought and effort into becoming this proficient at a leisure activity. How is someone who doesn't suffer from a severe mental illness meant to even begin to compete against you?

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