14 Gedanken zu „The BEST PROFESSIONS For TBC PvP!“
  1. Do i think professions should be allowed in arena? I personally love professions at its one of the reasons i play this game. so i like professions players having the edge on arenas. but i can see the other side of why ppl wouldnt want professions to matter.

  2. They ruined professions at the point where they made it so every prof gave an equal bonus total, I think that was cata (?). Having some professions be better isn’t toxic to the game, being forced to play the game to get an edge is in no way a bad thing.

  3. I think there shoud be very small profession buff, but still a buff. But every single profession shoud be usable in arenas, this is fucking idiotic that alchemy doesn't give u a shit compared to idiotic enchanting or JC.

  4. You're neglecting what is arguably the most important item for engineers; granted not everyone can wear it, but for rogues or really anyone in 2's and 3's, the hyper-vision goggles which grant you a 15 second stealth detection buff is invaluable in arena. It's equivalent to paranoia, but if you are a rogue seraching for another rogue… it's quite possibly the most necessary item for rogues overall. Getting the opener against another rogue is, especially in most any double dps comp, what decides the game, and the ladder for both 2's and 3's is RIDDLED with rogues. Plus the fact that this buff stacks with both paranoia AND perception makes it ridiculously powerful, especially with the current state of the ladder.

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