Von Esfand

47 Gedanken zu „The FINAL PATCH of WoW Classic Vanilla“
  1. Does this mean that when using command on my ret, sometimes I'll judgement before I attack, and my auto swing will happen and as soon as it hits I'll put command on which will almost always proc afterwords

  2. It's funny how their solution to world buffs was yet another chore you have to do. Now you have to go to WPL every now and then to pick up the damn displacers lmao. Why couldn't they just make it a 1 time purchase permanent object.

  3. Maybe I'm not a real fan, but I just don't understand how people will play Classic Vanilla in perpetuity without new content. If there was a Classic+ where they decided to open up areas of the world map that were not explorable in the OG Vanilla and created new dungeons/ raids, etc. then I might stay. Otherwise what's to do except play the same Battlegrounds and run the same Raids over and over. I guess it's just not for me?

  4. Hey esfand I can still double crit chain lightning+earth shock ele mastery after the spell batching fix.

    Imagine getting nuked with a ele mastery,chain lightning+earth shock with elemental overload in classic tbc.

    It's time to nuke people on my elemental shaman.

  5. Ret Paladins, questions for you guys. I want to play a ret paladin in TBC, but I am a caster player always have been. So this will be my first time playing a melee class and a paladin at that. Seal twisting seems very hard! Anyway I can make it easier on myself? And do I even have to seal twist to pump loads of damage?

  6. I think it's unrealistic to expect no more stuff on the classic Era server, Blizzard is dumn don't get me wrong, but not even they believe the player want a server to play the same patch forever. I expect new wow content in vanilla style, but that's just me.

  7. Even though tbc is coming out, I still wanna do the copy and play classic and a im paladin main :p vanilla is so pure and a great mmorpg on its own rights that should be built upon, tweaked and fixed. Instead of just going to Outland

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