27 Gedanken zu „CSGO Lotto Youtuber Scandal!? ~ Lets Talk“
  1. I think you should've never made this video tbh. This whole scandal is why other YouTubers like us are not believed anymore. I mean, they produce crap anyway. PsiSyndicate who is making it up to his subscribers with a 48 hour live stream? Get off the fucking internet Psi. There is no class there, just crap.

  2. Both their Invetories in steam and everything they traded should be trade banned forever. Thats why they cut the Videos that often. They probably go into their console and give themselves the win. They make enough money of YouTube and now theyre scamming underaged people? They should fucking stop that shit! TBH

  3. Oh shit Septic…here comes the strikes for defamatory comments lol…..YT is rife with it atm so watch your back.
    Much love, and i hope Logan is letting you sleep now and then xx

  4. I stopped watching Syndicate after he started spamming his Mianite series. I then subbed to him again over a year later but nothing really has happened since.

    Now I've completely lost my faith and that's quite sad cuz I've been subscribed to him since spring 2012

  5. I have watched both of them for a few years here and there. They are very influential in the community and a lot of people listen to them and just watch their stuff especially little kids. I always thought it was really weird how Syndicate never played CSGO at all but played CSGO Lotto all the time and now it makes sense. I gambled there before and it's honestly a terrible site that just gets kids to waste a lot of money and gamble it away. Everyone trusts that the system is fair and correct but was it really and that's the biggest thing people are pissed off about. People get angry at that enough after they lose and now that they may have been in a way scammed out of their money people are going to be pissed!

  6. I am waiting for their videos they said they were gonna post explaining everything to hear what they have to say but honestly I don't think it's gonna stop any of the hate because a lot of people have lost a lot of money because of CSGO Lotto. Also just the way they are handling this pisses me off more than anything. Like saying they always disclosed they were sponsored (not even getting into owning the damn thing) which is complete bullshit because they really never did or if they did they like mumbled that shit under their breathe once out of all the videos they did on it. I definitely wanna learn more about how they made money off this and if they in fact did rip people off.

  7. Everyone is saying that they scammed people, nobody has complained about not getting their skins and they cant control who uses the site, a 5 year old could go on the internet and say he is 30 and gamble if he knew how.

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