47 Gedanken zu „9.0.5 UPDATE: BEST Legendaries For EVERY CLASS“
  1. The rotten
    /cast Shadow Blades

    /cast Cold Blood

    /use Sinful Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity ENJOY

    /cast Symbols of Death

    /castsequence reset=10 Shadow Dance,Vanish,Shadowstrike

  2. Just wanted to say that your content has really been top shelf this expansion Skill capped.
    Superbly informative, great production, good content output. You really made pvp more engaging and fun for me!

  3. With all due respect if you don't play demon hunter please let me correct you, Darkest hour leggo is trash RNG u can die through literally and the Chaos theory is better for some Bosses on Raid, in PVP when you go offensive choose the Collective Anguish 100% for more burst in less time, go TrenacetateTV for more tips ty, oh and dont play dh this season if u dont have R1 friends ;(

  4. Hey skill capped, small correction, incarn will give you 80% crit on astral spells (starsurge, starfall, fury of elune etc..) with Balance of all Things. 40% per eclipse, which incarn gives both.

  5. Blizz should need to do something about playing with 2 spec without Losing advantage. Im a main resto druid pvp/pve (necrolord) but i like to play balance druid aswell but i cant get Any advantage cuz im not kyrian or fae to do Pvp/pve 🤷‍♂️

  6. i fucking hate that everything is tied to class legendries, and then all legendries are tied to torghast. Blizz really screwed the pooch on this. Force content is never a recipe for success. I hope they learn their lesson, but as long as the leech Bobby Kotick is in charge i highly doubt anything will change.

  7. Mage schield legendary and hunter legy are the most disgusting once tbh. They are making those classes super tanky and give mage op purge protection. Feign death should also punish hunter with UI damage or VT cc at least. I hate tanky shit like this

  8. I love how every class it's like "oh they have some really good class specific options" and for 2/3 priest specs it's "just run the generic legendary that literally every class and spec in the game has access to." Really shows you how little blizzs understands priest when they can't even make a leggo for them that's better than the generic stock legendary.

  9. ➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's





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  10. For kyrian balance, I don't disagree that timebender is good, but for a burst build you can still use balance of all things. The burst window with incarn+kindred spirits+badge+balance of all things is more burst damage on a single target than convoke in my experience. You also get to control where the burst goes and it is all instant casts. Timebender is best in a consistent damage composition where your win condition is mana or dampening. Basically, balance of all things is best for burst setups and timebender is best for damage throughput over long games.

  11. I will say exploiter is not as good as you're claiming in the video. Your vid claims that condemn buffs your next mortal strike by 50% stacking up two times when in reality during pvp situations it only buffs your next mortal strike by 18% stacking up two times for venthyr warriors. 36% compared to the 100% total is a big difference. I do use this leggo on my venthyr warrior and I do feel that it performs well but not well enough to deserve a nerf lol love the videos guys! I really appreciate your alls feedback on classes and pvp comps. Keep it up!

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