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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste GFuel-Bestellung zu erhalten! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um …
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idk if anyone has said this idea before but what if you play r6 but every time something happens like you die,get a kill, win a round, etc your lean keybinds change to a random key besides the ones ur already using?
L consulate on console
The kilo141 in siege lmao (in the thumbnail)
Why 87 and not 90?
video really shows how bad r6 matchmaking is right now i played with all these people in 1-2 matches
Ok they play slow but its R6 not COD man
who the fuck uses 87 FOV? 90 Fov is the best setting of FOV For FPS Games
updated video for game settings of brutal swarm please
L consulate
ah yes, i love the AX-50 from Modern Warfare with damascus camo in Rainbow Six
why did you use a COD warzone Picture for your thumbail
That thumbnail is so confusing it’s almost clickbait
i deadass played against someone with the same gt earlier and i was so confused why it is what it was
2:00 made every tarkov player cringe fs
Dude y’all are so crazy 3 days damn what a break man ahah 3 fing days that’s normal
Trying this RIGHT NOW
I can't believe my man knows about SCP
what in the cod thumbnail
good thumbnail
W consulate
Took a year break and i started a month ago i think, consulate feels nice and its good to know that I can still do my old strats on the map
L cons
My brain when a cod gun with Damaskus was in raimbow
Why is there an AX-50 damascus in the thumb?
i generally thought this was a cod video and got majorly confused when is saw an r6 scoreboard