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Treten Sie unserem Discord-Server bei: ▻ Holen Sie sich die BEWERTUNG, die Sie sich schon immer gewünscht haben: …
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Thanks for the guides, they are a big help!!!
Everyone used to say WoW appealed to to many casual players. It definitely isn't that way now.
Where I can buy drink for arena?
how can I track dispel on sArena actually? The option for this seems to miss for me
I love his voice! I am not actively playing WoW or PvP but I always watch the videos for the voice! I lol 😂
The first point is moot if you aren't pointing out that you need to be aware of what other classes MICRO CC they have available to stop you MAL trinket. What your instructing players to do is waste their 3 min cc just because the enemy healer dispelled. Its more then just that and your not even mentioning players who are NE specifically to stop MAL. These videos are getting less and less in quality and you had a pretty low bar to start with. Not a good tip big thumbs down.
I usually first like then watch video. As always GG 🙂
10:15 laughs in dh
What add-on is it that makes your player frames as raid-style on left with your team's CDs?
Why do we talk about cross cc and all when most ppl are playing bm huntard/warrior w/ a healer and just zug zug through 2k1 without even cross cc once.. just make these classes more skilled it’s just a joke atm
Mic is nessecary. Even C's:go use it
-Lets see for ourselves by looking at one of the best Godcomps in the world
proceeds with silencing the warrior
omg dont even joke about BM hunters. That spec is singlehandedly responsible for 90% of my losses
Hey great vid ! How do you shrink allied lifebars ? Looks slick
Very useful guide, thank you! Could you also mention consumables in arena in one of the next videos?
I remember, that you could also use some toys in arenas, which was mentioned in one of season 1 videos. Also couldn't find any information about that neon green/purple fog which players use to signal burst or something.
Would appreciate some content explaining things mentioned above.
lol stun into silence on the warrior nice
i wish retail was enjoyable
What is the cd that shows enemy abilities in the center down place of the screen?
The tip is play Windwalker and use Spinning Crane Kick. Game Over
7 techniques the pros use:
1. Buy a boost.
2. Buy a boost.
3. Buy a boost.
4. Buy a boost.
5. Buy a boost.
6. Buy a boost.
7. Buy a boost.
Hope this helps!
Bold of you to assume some people are surviving long enough to even attempt cross cc lol
Mana no way. Hahaha