50 Gedanken zu „7.27d POSITION 4 Tier List With Jenkins & Newsham – Dota 2 Tips“
  1. dude ???? techies dogtier ???? the reason why people think tech is a trash hero is that no one knows what is the real techies except who spam it and discovered the real power of techies . for me techies is best hero . i have 35 win streak as techies in my main account . and the reason i lost my win streak was my net connection that lost. but techies is the best hero in the game . ur team mates say oh . techies 4v5 or what? they dont know what techies is . techies is the only hero that knows if any smoke gank is happening. and has a big aoe silence that makes their supports useless . and at lvl 25 has 251 dmg . remember the patch which all talents got weaker by 20% except 251 dmg for techies ? techies is a secret . its hard to know. but if u know him . ur gonna be on fire

  2. Rubick steal spell never work for earth spirit. Why i never think about it before hahah. You can steal boulder but with no stone remnant, boulder is bullshit, you can steal kick, but without stone remnant kick is the most useless thing i ever seen. Basically earth spirit is useless without remnant.

  3. People think pudge sucks bcs they have no idea about how to roam and positioning in fights with pudge and how can he be devastating in all stages of the game or they are just pudge haters and they just feeling terrible about every hook hit them (That guy with the glasses just one of them). Pudge impact game not as a dmg dealer or killer or w/ great buffs etc, his impact is forcing enemy supports to rotate on map in early game to save their cores which leads your carry to farm in immense space and also your offlane will have some of it. Above all great video and really appreciated really helpful guide.

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