38 Gedanken zu „6 Profi-Tipps zum Konsulat und Oregon von PENTA-Playing Ducks | Rainbow Six Siege-Leitfaden, Tipps und Tricks“
  1. I must start by saying thanks to everybody watching and commenting on the videos. It makes me so happy.

    Since the videos are starting to get so many comments it's hard for me to answer everybody so I will do a FAQ video where I answer questions from the comment section so go just send over your questions regarding the videos and plays as a comment here and I will get back to them in a FAQ video.

  2. This is such a great way to show us tips my man. I've been playing siege since launch I've been platinum each season could never get my way to diamond. I used a bunch of these tactics and my team and I finally got there. Thanks so ouch for the great videos man

  3. Hey guys I've been playing R6 for around two weeks now and it has become my favorite game so far. I just uploaded a Castle Vs Attackers video about a week ago and it would mean a lot if you guys could please watch it. Feel free to give me your opinion on it, thanks!(=

  4. I think you should compile all the pro tips you have for each map and put them in there own separate video so if we just need help with certain maps we can look at one video and not go searching through everyone of your videos

  5. First tip: You can also use that if you're defending garage to kill buck/any fragger. and you can get an angle (as an attacker) all the way from the office towards the garage door if you don't wanna risk that(bonus point you clear roamers at the same time)

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