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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste GFuel-Bestellung zu erhalten! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um …
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How do they lose so easily with walls
Bro pls your my favorite r6 player can you do an updated setting video
how did the nahtxh dude even reach gold, he should be copper lmfao
Kali kinda cheated.
Love the video ideas keep it up!
5 xim champs vs. 5 pc plats
it would be fun to see your apex content
Why don’t one of the champs use cams even tho they are outside while some one protects someone to see where the enemy is
This looks like fun I definitely wanna try it out
Its a golds on pc ?? Looks like bronze or smth
@Shawk theres a typo in the title 'Champion' instead of Champions
What skin does Senvale have
Jokes on them y’all have wall hacks too 😹😹
This was such a good unique and interesting video I love the little 15 sec rule which gives them enough time to setup and outside fighting was so cool to watch😭🔥🔥🔥👍👍😂💪
Do you use enhance pointer precision on or off
7:13 that guy cheated that wasn’t even 10 seconds and he killed somebody😤😂
Chomper killed Dino before the grace period was over in round 4.
DO THIS AGAIN BUT ON DIFFERENT MAPS this would be sooooo cool to see on ranked maps and non ranked maps
This was the most fun one yet.
Do this on more maps!
i have not seen someone use hack in r6 like this wow Great content!
This is the most creative rainbow six seige match ever. Keep it up Shawk!
another w vid from shawk
How about a 5v5 with Champs only but I cinematic mode and no reversed friendly fire
Do 3diamonds with secondary only against 5 silvers
I was so confused on who was who and what was what
Diamonds with coms vs champs without coms
Great vid much harder then I expected
Brilliant video – amazing content. More of this please.
Remember when you could do crane parkour.. that was fun with glaz
Hey Shawn Great vid
Alibi & Clash are by far the best ops to run outside! Smart asf.
If only valk cams still worked outside.
These topics just keep getting crazier
so it's absolutely harmless installing that shit and ubi does nothing about it
would be very good to see you do some reaction videos, especially to people like Shaiiko, please do a reaction to some of his clips 🤔
clownin stars the whole time. poor guy 😂
Do this just with controller players
Very entertaining. Definitely would like to see this again with some different maps
7:17 attaker cheatef he shot him before 15 seconds ends.
Feel like the club house broken building would be a great spot to hold