Ich habe 30 Tage nur auf Platz 2 in der Rocket League gespielt … Dies ist der ULTIMATE 2v2-Guide. DM mir „2v2“ auf Discord: …
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Ich habe 30 Tage nur auf Platz 2 in der Rocket League gespielt … Dies ist der ULTIMATE 2v2-Guide. DM mir „2v2“ auf Discord: …
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Takes 2 years to rank up
You know smitty?
Today's diamond lobbies feels like two last week's champ lobbies.
What decal was you using
31:35 got an idea for a video that NO ONE has ever done: road to SSL playing 2s with me🤯
Yo I’m stuck around plat 3 and diamond 1..any tips specifically for that? I use my Jeep Wrangler but started using a lower body and working on my aerials
I’m 42, just started playing rocket just over a year ago but once I started watching you, wayton, sunless, and lethamyr. My mechanics, car control, ball control, how I see the play, interest in playing to get better rather than just to play has massively improved, thank you for passing along your knowledge.
i come and go from rocket league a lot and only ever play 3s, it can get really annoying though because it feels like you never have time.. everything is so rushed with 3s and your team will come and just challenge you for the ball constantly. i always try and look around and let them grab it when they're in better positions and i can see them going for it but its rare that they do the same.. i might have to start playing 2s it looks way better and hopefully will make me stick around longer
Ok but how do I get teammates with brains
i play ranked pretty much any time i go into rocket league
I think this video shows why I'm so much better at 2v2 than 3v3.
What would you classify as a low rank? I’m champ and I think that I want to solo queue, is it a good idea.
Love the content XD
Got to be the best intro I’ve ever seen
Thanks to this video im 1 game away from 1500 mmr. We started at 1340 ish. TY
This is cool. But when you're in diamond, and your teammate clearly got rank boosted from silver/gold and he cant even hit a ball bouncing in front of him….You just end up losing every single game.
I've noticed in season 7 a TON of rank boosted players, and of course, they all end up playing with me. I go up, make a pass, and he's sitting in goal. Or he's running to get boost when a simple front flip would save a shot on our goal….Or he's incapable of powersliding around the ball to control it. Or I'm going for an aerial, and he comes FROM THEIR GOAL, and hits it towards our goal.
I'm just about to uninstall the game. It's not enjoyable when I have to effectively 3 v 1 every single game. I have to play offense AND defense.
They need to lower the rank disparity. If you're gold 3 Div 4, the limit of teammate you can play with is like Plat 1. Div 2.
That way you can't get rank boosted into diamond + and then ruin the competitive match making for other people.
what app does spookluke use for the rank overlay?
What does stack mean
13:06 So you went chasing some balls lol
Man you make it look so easy
Thank you that helped me
10:40 Isn't your teammates fault. A) You should have anticipated he was going to get bumped as there were 2 players hunting him down. B) After he got bumped you then proceed to flip AFTER he got bumped which means that you have a slow reaction speed. C) Even after the flip you start to head towards the ball for half a second instead of heading straight back to net. D) After all of that it potentially could have just come down to you missing the mid boost.
Nah dude we can't unsubscribe ur videos are so amazing keep up the work.
I’m diamond
you are howard hamlin
you, retals, and leth have the best intro's i've ever seen from a youtuber
I have done everything he said and it lowers my rank to gold he is a liar don’t watch his vidios
The only thing I gotta out of this is blame your teammates…. Kappa …. On the real; great video, me only being high gold/ low plat I took a lot of good things out of this!!