Von Shawk

26 Gedanken zu „3 Champs gegen 5 von JEDEM RANG, bis sie in Rainbow Six Siege verlieren“
  1. idk everyone feels like this but imo the top left spectator view makes it unpleasant to watch your gameplay and to watch the spectator view is just too small, maybe uploading 2 vids would be better? like 1 your pov 1 spectator pov?

    if u agree, like, if not, dislike
    that way we can let shawk know 🙂

  2. Lol Adept was right. My wallbang on him was complete luck in round 1 for the plats vs champs. I died to Adept sneaking up behind me later though because my teammate called “he’s behind you pink” and I got hella confused. Gg’s though, they smacked us

  3. Hey Shawk, it's my first season on PC and I've hit E5 solo que. But I'd really like to see how far I've come if you ever are willing to let me see how I'd do! Sounds fun to me, I had 7,000 hours of experience on Counter-Strike, and was GE for 2 years. So that may be why my gameplay doesn't totally suck

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