25 Gedanken zu „3 Best Mains For EVERY ROLE in Patch 12.21 – League of Legends“
  1. QOTD: My highest is Taric 53% with 260 games. Lowest is Janna 35% with 31 games. Also, Nami is on this list, but im done with her. My winrate is too low with her too. Id rather just Sona or Raka if i want to be an enchanter.

  2. I’m not sure about this Bot lane tbh… I mean on paper they have high winratio so should hard carry right? It might work in silver/gold but above that enemies take strong early and Karthus, Kogmaw and Nilah gets destroyed in early game by Draven, Samira or Caitlyn with her range…

  3. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I do not think Zilean is that insanely good midlane right now, unless ur duo with ur jungle or playing in an above average elo. If u want to play to enable teammates jus play orianna, who can even carry some games if u get ahead enough. Zilean requires you to have a frontline champion than you can play around to use his best potential. Which in lower elos (even plat) is not the case for a lot of the games and when u have a front liner you are too dependent on them understanding how to use your helpful kit. Too many games have I had a jungle or toplaner run away from winnable fights with a Bomb on them ready for a stun. It’s just too dependent on teammates in my opinion. But my experience may be different from everyone else’s.

  4. QOTD: Neeko. Neeko is seriously underrated right now, and not a lot of players are playing her. Maybe Riot can buff her a bit to make her even more popular. I have the lowest win rate with Kassadin. He is basically nothing when fighting against a Tristana mid.

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