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Danke fürs zuschauen! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um 30 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste GFuel-Bestellung zu erhalten! Verwenden Sie den Code „SHAWK“, um …
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Support me by using code "SHAWK" with the links at the top of the description ! <3
I really fuck with these videos, it’s something new. Keep it up.
You should do more vids with Garfield
Are you still after a copper 5 Ace?? I have done it on Ps5 if you want the video
Shawk, straight up bro. Everything you post, I've watched (for almost a year now). I love your content, and honestly, it's been getting me through some times fr.
Say unprecedented one more time bro
I like to see 5 champs vs 5 champs but both teams have perma death
video concept: aggressive play vs passive play
Glad Zonkey’s back again always like watching him play 🔥🔥🔥
11:00 this guy he's mad cuz he's the 1st one who die xD
11:38: this guy said 2ez and negative 1-2-1 LMAO
Now get a third champ and start them at 2-0
9:00 i like the commentary ngl
Video idea: 1 of every rank vs 2 champions. (So there is 1 copper, 1 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold and 1 diamond on a team against 2 champs)
Your fucking commentary is always on point idc
you should do 2 champs vs 5 golds but there’s no prep phase
Bro those champs are washed af im in gold and play even better with pretty same gamesens, better movement and aim
What’s your discord bro ?
gfuel is the most overrated useless shit ive ever seen.
The videos are great but why don't you team up with sb for sth. like this?
W video
video idea:
3Champions vs 5 golds but the champions have no game audio 😀
Look ma it’s me
Senvale sucks and only complains about hackers, even tho they’re just good half the time
I think this shows how good champs rlly are they 2v5 diamonds which is only rabak below and they did amazing against them it shows why champs are usually pro's respect to both teams
I’m new subscriber! Loving the content you got 🔥
I am getting back into production after so ti and tNice tutorials makes it so easy to understand. Thank you so much for making these videos.
Bro that SenVale voice crack 😂😂
Shawk: “80% of you guys are not subscribed”
Me who’s been watching for months without subscribing: 😅😅
Zonkey is my daddy ong
2 champs with a 2-0 lead vs. 4 diamonds with 1 champ but the champ can only give coms
shawk keep with the creative content love it
Can 1 champ carry 4 bronze/silvers against 5 plats
I snort shortcake 🙇♂️
Tekwil being mouthy yet also being the worst player in the game lol