13 Spiele, die Sie vielleicht in Erwägung ziehen sollten, Ihrem gehackten SNES Classic hinzuzufügen. Ein weiteres LIST-Video. Aber manche Leute finden das vielleicht …
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13 Spiele, die Sie vielleicht in Erwägung ziehen sollten, Ihrem gehackten SNES Classic hinzuzufügen. Ein weiteres LIST-Video. Aber manche Leute finden das vielleicht …
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Party li a li bi op booster a li
Aa list 7 8 9 0 a lopo lo a
Fire emblem 4 is the best game of all time
Tales of phantasy the best .super formation soccer 94 best soccer
i have to play live a live.
but seriously all these look very apetizing.
I made the mistake of looking for Rendering Ranger to buy because it looked great.
All I can say is the prices of some of these games are simply fucking obscene.
TBH I was expecting to see stuff like Live-A-Live and Seiken Densetsu 3 here (these games are phenomenal, period), but Front Mission: Gun Hazard on #1 was actually a welcome surprise.
I preferred the first Front Mission on the Super Famicom, but Gun Hazard was also stellar (the soundtrack was really good, indeed). Unfortunately I never finished it, but might give it another try someday.
I wonder if #13 is influence for Cowboys & Aliens.
I thought I recognised Kaimen rider. He also got the Power rangers treatment that super sentai did. He was called Masked Rider and got a spin off show by Saban.
Hey, what about Kishin Douji Zenki: Battle Raiden and Ys V (though not the most well known but still great because Action RPGs rule!!)? Maybe Mickey Mouse’s Great Tokyoland Adventure (or whatever it’s called, I would have loved it as a kid if I came across it at a young age, definitely sounds like fun!). I like those games. If they were on there, it would be a top 15 but no matter what top xnumber video there is, not everything you want to see will be there. Zenki: Battle Thunder is a GOOD game! You should check it out man!
You forgot Super Back to the Future Part 2
I always presumed that Front Mission Gunhazard was going to suck because it wasn't anything at all like the first game.
fortunatly some got english translations:)
2: remake version was good
Great Battle V and Goemon "dancer" were the two biggest dissappointments I had with the SFC
Is there a list of this games, with names?
Front Mission Gun Hazard looks amazing.
Magical pop'n it is actually a very well conceived platformer and very enjoyable…if you can get past the the cutesy presentation…I know I did XD!
good taste
Wow. You really dug the genre.
Ghost chaser
So I recently downloaded all the Famicom games for my smartphone emulator. (yes, my phone. i don't care) Anyway, randomly pick Front Mission:Gun Hazard and then dug up this old video to see if there was anything else I was missing!!! Apparently I randomly picked the right one!
gayboy advance
in terms of fun factor and gameplay …i found Wrestlemania Arcade game to be one of the most fun games (something about that game ) . Also brainlord by enix …to me is better than zelda
Lol i dont think he needed to pronounce the entire title for ganbare 🤣😂🤣
For Megaman and Bass.
It is pronounced B-ASS
Like Ass with a B in front.
Not BASE. U have done this for all videos on them.
We'd love to see SegaaaDrunk do a list like this…! 🙏
You should update this now that ALL the Goemon games on the Super Famicom now have English patches! What a time eh?
Breaking news: Live A Live is coming to the West this year as a 2D-HD title. Hurray.
a few solid choices… but missing so many classics like 'Shin Megami Tensei', 'Dragon Quest V – Hand Of The Heavenly Blade' and 'Majyuo – King Of Demons'.
Fantastic recommendations.
great battle iv! i downloaded this ROM as a kid and was super excited that it didn't require any japanese to play
Ganpuru: Gunman’s Proof completly stolen from Zelda. Does somebody know if it was easier then today so get the source code from such games to design such clones?
Pretty cool that Seiken Densetsu 3 has since been released and now Live A Live finally has a global release and a gorgeous HD remaster
Live a live is on switch tho lol
Are these games being played in English?
gunhazard pixel art is shitty